If you are able to pay this debt in full and wish to clear this debt straight away, that's great. The easiest way to do this is to log in or register for an online account through our customer portal, you'll be able to see the balance owed and can select the option for payment in full.
If you want to pay in full, but do not wish to do this online, you can choose an alternative method below.
If you’d rather repay in manageable chunks at a frequency that’s suitable for you, it is easy to set this up on our online portal. Simply log in or register for an account and set up a payment plan.
Not sure how much you can afford to repay each month? By using our handy budget planner, you can easily determine how much money you have left over after all your essentials and day-to-day costs are paid for. Remember, we’ll never ask you to pay more than you can afford. Once set up, we will periodically check in with you to make sure that this payment is still affordable for you. You can also set up a monthly repayment over the phone by calling 01925 358 123.
If you would like to make a payment or arrange a repayment plan over the phone, please call our friendly team on 01925 358 123
They will be able to talk you through your options and work with you to come to a solution best suited to your circumstances. They can also talk you through your incomings and outgoings to determine how much you can afford each month, there will be no pressure to pay more than you can afford.
Paying via a Direct Debit is one of the easiest ways to manage your repayment plan. By choosing a payment date to suit you, your repayments will automatically be paid ensuring you do not forget. We would recommend choosing a repayment date of either your payday or the day after to be sure you have enough funds available. By choosing a Direct Debit, you will also be protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
You can set up Standing Order to make monthly repayments from your bank account. These payments will automatically be paid by your bank on the date of your choice. We recommend that you choose a repayment date of either your payday or the day after to make sure you have enough funds available.
To make your repayments by Standing Order please call us for our bank details, you will need your unique MFDP account number as the reference when setting up the Standing Order via your bank.
Our automated telephone payment line is available 24/7 and allows you to make a payment over the phone at a time convenient to you, without the need to speak to someone.
All you'll need is your MFDP reference number and your debit card. Just call 01925 358 123 and select the option to make a payment.
A Continuous Payment Authority (known as a CPA) is a recurring payment, similar to a Direct Debit, but with the payments linked to your bank card, rather than your bank account. You can set up a CPA by calling our team on 01925 358 123.
Please note, if your card expires or is lost/stolen and has to be replaced during your repayment period, you will need to contact us to set up a new CPA to ensure payments continue.
You can make one-off payments to your account whenever you like either on our website or through your online account on our portal by selecting the ‘Make a Payment’ option.
If you think you may forget to make continued payments to your account, you can choose at any time to arrange for your repayments to be automatically paid each month, via Direct Debit, Standing Order or a CPA, more details of each are above.
We may be able to accept a reduced settlement on your account. This is when a one off payment that is less than the outstanding balance may be accepted to conclude and close the account.
To put an offer forward to us, please call our team on 01925 358 123